UDK 32(05)

ISSN 2232-9641 (Print)

ISSN 2566-2805 (Online)

UDK 32(05)

ISSN 2232-9641 (Print)

ISSN 2566-2805 (Online)

The instructions to authors about the article preparation for publication in the Politeia are based on the Rulebook for Publication of Scientific Journals of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Srpska ('Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska' no. 77/2017) and  the Act on Scientific Journal Editing of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, No 110-00-17/2009-01 of 9th July 2009. These Acts aim at improving the quality of national journals and raising the level of their compliance with the international system of scientific information exchange. They are based on international standards of ISO 4, ISO 8, ISO 18, ISO 215, ISO 214, ISO 18, ISO 690, ISO 690-2, ISO 999 and ISO 5122 respectively and their national equivalents.

On the following links you can find the WRITING FORM in Word format, as well as the separate AUTHOR GUIDELINES.  

The Politeia enables OPEN ACCESS and applies Creative Commons (CC BY) licence on copyright.

Manuscripts are submitted online, through the ASEESTANT - The online journal management system, developed by the Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science – CEON Belgrade, Serbia. The access and the registration are performed through the Politeia site politeia.fpn.unibl.org, on the page ASEESTANT or the page SCINDEKS, or directly through the link (aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/politeia or aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/politeia/user/register).


  • Detailed instructions on registration and access to the ASEESTANT system

    Since 2017, the Politeia has been using the ASEESTANT - The online journal management system aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/politeia, developed by the Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science – CEON Belgrade, Serbia. This system facilitates journal editing, especially in terms of paper quality assurance – semi-automatic reference formatting, in accordance with the citation style selected (RefFormatter); automatic check of harmonization of citations in the text body with the list of references (CiteMatcher); use of the iThenticate (CrossRef and CrossCheck) service for potential plagiarism detection.


    Technical instructions for use of the ASEESTANT - The online journal management system


    Creating the user account – User registration to the system

    IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION: If you have already registered to the ASEESTANT with another journal implementing this online journal management system (either as a reader, author, reviewer etc), please DO NOT register again. You only need to notify the Editor-in-Chief at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., in order for them to register to the Politeia as well.


    а) You can access the service through the site of the Politeia (politeia.fpn.unibl.org) or directly at the ASSESTANT web address linked to the Politeia aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/politeia.

    In the Jezik/Language menu choose the language of registration (English). 

    Click the Not a user? Register with this site option.



    The Help option is in the upper right corner so you can access the detailed and precise instructions about the service at any moment.

    b) On the registration page:

    · All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, and the registration process cannot be finished successfully without them. In case a mandatory field failed to be filled in, the system will remind you what to do in order to finish the registration.

    · It is advisable that the remaining fields be filled in as well, but that can be done later using the My Profile option, after logging in the account. All user data can be ammended subsequently. 

    · Keep your user name and the password in a safe place in case you forget them. 

    · The page in English can be completed as follows: In the Form Language menu choose the English option - Enter all data in English

    · The options concerning your status in the journal (author, reviewer) 

    o Reviewers and members of the Editorial Board should choose (click) the Reviewer option,

    o Authors should be registered only as Author,

    · The process is completed by clicking the Register button at the bottom of the page.

    · The registration process is completed and you are automatically logged in your account..


    1. Logging in for previously registered users – profile editing; logging out

    а) At the address aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/politeia select the English language in the Jezik/Language menu, enter the user name and the password and click the Log In button.



    b) Your data can be ammended at any time through the My Profile option in the menu on the left. This option leads you to a page identical to that of the account registration. After entering changes, click Save to save the changes in your account.

    c) For logging out, click the Log Out option in the menu on the left..

    1. Start a new submission – submitting the first version of the paper to the Editorial Office

    After logging in, choose the Author option.

    To start a new submission, choose the CLICK HERE option.


    Step 1 in the submission process – Start 

    All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, and the next step is not possible without  completing them first. In case a mandatory field failed to be filled in, the system will remind you what to do in order to proceed to the next step.



    а) First choose the appropriate section (Section) for your submission since it is mandatory. If the Editor-in-Chief finds your submission more appropriate for some other section, they will make a necessary change.

    b) Your paper must meet all technical requirements, regardless of their current number or whether they have been changed since the last time you submitted a paper.


    Read them carefully and confirm only if your submission complies with all of them. If this is not the case, edit it first and then proceed with the access process. Only when you are absolutely sure that all the requirements have been met, mark (check) all the fields. It is necessary that the detailed instructions concerning paper writing be followed to the letter, and they can be found at the Politeia website: Call for papers

    Authors thus take the responsibility for their submissions meeting all the requirements, which will have an impact on the decision about entering them into the editing procedure.



    c) Proceed to the next step by clicking the Save and continue button at the bottom.


    Step 2 in the submission process – Upload Submission



    · In this phase,  Authors submit the file in the WORD format. The complete paper, including the summary, must be in one file, written in accordance with the Paper writing format (check the page of the website)

    · Authors should be aware of the fact that submitted papers represent versions to be peer reviewed. Papers that have already been reviewed out of the system should not be submitted. The purpose of the ASEESTANT system is editing as well as reviewing through the system, which helps evaluating the journal editing quality and the quality of the paper itself.

    · The file is submitted in the WORD format.


    Follow the detailed file submitting instructions given on the current page:


    Step 3 in the submission process – Enter Metadata 

    This is the most important step in the submission process.



    Metadata is the data about the paper not only incorporated in the paper itself, but also separately entered into the system for following the paper in the publishing process,  as well as for the further monitoring of paper citations and other relevant parameters.

    Metadata includes:

    · data on the author(s),

    · title and abstract,

    · other data.


    Key words are system-generated on the basis of the title and the abstract in English. (after an approximately one hour of time). Having the paper approved by the reviewers, the author is asked to check, select and possibly add the key words for the Metadata Editing Section, which are later translated into Serbian.


    · Data on the author(s) is automatically generated from your profile. 

    · All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, and the next step is not possible without them. In case a mandatory field failed to be filled in, the system will remind you what to do in order to procede to the next step. Filling in the remaining fields is encouraged. 


    The page MUST BE COMPLETED in English as follows:


    o Choose the English option in the first Form Language menu

    o Enter all metadata in English


    In case you use the Paste option, make sure not to transfer the metadata in Cyrillic. If you copy the summary, choose the Paste from Word option.



    Please, do not forget to fill in the Reference field from the bottom, which should contain the list of references identical to the one in the Literatura/References field at the end of your paper. There should be an empty line between every item in the list. In addition, the list of references should comply with the APA citation style and arranged in the alphabetical order.


    By filling in the metadata page, you make it possible for the system to automatically generate key words (after an approximately one hour of time), which will be, upon the completion of editorial procedures, the review process, and in accordance with a special instruction by the Editor-in-Chief, together with your affiliation (personal data), put into the final version of your paper.

    Proceed to the next step by clicking the Save and continue button at the bottom.



    Step 4 in the submission process – Upload Supplementary Files


    · This step is NOT OBLIGATORY. It enables submitting supplementary files if appropriate. The Article Formatting Instructions of the Politeia state that all figures, graphs, illustrations, etc. are to be incorporated into the body of the paper in the prescribed Article Form.

    Proceed to the next step by clicking the Save and continue button at the bottom.


    Step 5 of the submission process – Confirmation 


    · In the last step, clicking the file name in the Original file name field enables you to check, last time before uploading, whether you incorporated all required documents into the system.

    · The submission process is finished by clicking Submit and your paper is downloaded in the Editorial Office.


    5. Editing stage 


    · After being submitted, the paper enters the editing process. Authors are kindly asked to check regularly the email address given at the registration since the system-generated information about the current editing phase is sent to it.

    · The email address to which information is automatically sent can be changed using the My profile option.

    · Besides being informed by electronic mail, Authors can follow the editing process by accessing the system at any time.

    - Having submitted the paper, choose the Author option..

    - You have entered the Active Submissions window where you can see the status of all your submissions.


    - Clikcking the active options enables you to be informed about:

    1. the submission itself, by clicking the active submission title

    2. the editing process and the timetables for particular editing phases, by clicking the active submission status


    1. Editor’s Help

    · КEditor’s help is offered in order to facilitate the switch to the new system of editing the Politiea and to make contacts with the Editorial Office faster and more efficient. For any kind of help, Authors should feel free to contact Editor, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


    The Editorial Board of the Politeia Journal would like to express their gratitude to the Military Technical Courier, whose material we used and adapted to our website, based upon the directives of the CC BY licence.



All submitted manuscripts relevant to the journal’s profile are reviewed. All referees are eminent external experts in relevant fields, with papers published in these fields in the past three years. The reviewers must not be from the author's own institution, and they should not have recent joint publications with any of the authors.

The Editorial Board applies the iThenticate (CrossRef and CrossCheck) service for verifying the originality of submitted papers and for preventing duplicate publishing and plagiarism.

The Journal applies a ‘double blind peer review process’ for papers. Authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other in the process of review. Reviews after the article has been published are allowed and encouraged for subsequent evaluation of papers and authors.

On the following link you can find the INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITING A REVIEW